
Showing posts from January, 2022


For this year’s clinical problem-solving conference, I have chosen the case on neurodegenerative diseases. This is the link to the semi-structured case:   A 58 year old man with unexplanied dementia, slurring of speech and urinary incontinence since 6 months and forgetfulness since 3 months ( In this ELog, I have attempted to answer the following questions: What is the timeline of symptoms seen in this patient? What is the mechanism of the symptoms? What are the currently approved treatments for this condition? What are the future prospects in the treatment of this condition? QUESTION 1: Timeline and Mechanism of Symptoms The timeline and progression of the symptoms is indicative of Alzheimer's Disease.  A. Slurred speech and  Delay in response to commands: This is seen when the temporal lobe (specifically the language processing and speech centres) begin to deteriorate.  B. Apathy: This could be due to the disease spreading to the anterior cingulate cor