
Showing posts from July, 2021

A 63 yo Male with Pedal Edema, SOB and Scrotal Swelling

CHIEF COMPLAINTS: A 63 year old male came to OPD with chief complaints of: Pedal edema since 3 months Shortness of breath since 3 months(grade 2 to grade 3) Scrotal swelling since 1 month HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 months back  Then he developed b/l pedal edema(pitting type) for which he went to near by RMP and got medication  Followed by which he had shortness of breath (grade 2 to grade 3) No c/o Orthopnea, PND, chest pain, Palpitations C/o Scrotal swelling (painless)  HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: Not a known case of DM/HTN/Asthma/TB TREATMENT HISTORY: Not significant PERSONAL HISTORY: Diet: Mixed  Appetite: Normal Bowel & Bladder: Regular Addictions: Alcoholic since 25 years, Non-smoker FAMILY HISTORY: Not significant GENERAL EXAMINATION: No Pallor No icterus  No cyanosis  No clubbing  No lymphadenopathy Edema of feet: present (b/l up to knee) Vitals: BP: 80/60 mm Hg PR: 98bpm, irregular SpO2:  96% on RA GRBS:  142mg% CVS: S1,S2 Heard, no


  BIMONTHLY BLENDED ASSESSMENT - JULY 2021 - 96 P SRI SAI SANJANA The following is a link to the assignment which I have been given for a monthly progress evaluation scheme. Link to the assignment:  Medicine Department : Medicine paper for July 2021 bimonthly blended assessment QUESTION 1: Please go through one student's entire answer paper from this link, the one who is closest to your own roll number and share your peer review of each answer with your qualitative insights into what was good or bad about the answer.  http://medicinedepartment. batch-medicine-department- online.html?m=1 ANSWER 1: 97 P.V. ABHIGNA BIMONTHLY BLENDED ASSESSMENT - JUNE 2021 ( Each question has been answered accurately and in detail.  Question 1: A qualitative and quantitative assessment has been given for each case. Plus points and suggestions have also been added. Question 3: The critical appraisal for the given case was done is a comprehensive, orderly

A 48 yo Male with B/L Pedal Edema, Facial Puffiness and Itching

This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This is an ongoing case. This blog post will be updated regularly. CHIEF COMPLAINTS:  A 48y old male came to OPD with chief complaints of B/L pedal edema  since 10 days , facial puffiness since 10 days  Itching since 1 year HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:  Patient was apparently asymptomatic till 1 year  Then he developed, itching which was gradual onset  It began in the right arm ,then gradually progressed on the abdomen followed by whole body for which he went to near by RMP doctor and got injection AVIL for 1 year,  H/o use of unknown drugs later was referred to one hospital and diagnosed with TINEA CORPORIS CURIS for whi

A 23 Year Old Female With Sore Throat

CHIEF COMPLAINT: A 23 year old female presented with complaints of: sore throat since 3 days loss of smell since 2 days cold since 2 days HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 days back. The patient has been in contact with a COVID +ve person. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: No History of Diabetes, Hypertension, TB, CAD or Asthma. PERSONAL HISTORY: Occupation: Student Appetite: Normal Diet: Mixed Bowel movements: Regular Micturition: Normal No known allergies Habits/Addictions: None FAMILY HISTORY: Not significant PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Mild pallor present No icterus No cyanosis, clubbing, edema or lymphadenopathy Vitals:  Pulse rate: 92/min Respiration rate: 24 breaths/min BP: 120/80 mmHg SpO2: 97% PROVISIONAL DIAGNOSIS: COVID-19. RTPCR +ve INVESTIGATIONS: 1. Haemogram 2. C Reactive Protein 3. D-Dimer 4. Renal Function Test 5. Blood Sugar - Random TREATMENT: 10/7/21: 1. Tab. PCM 650mg PO/TID 2. Tab. PAN 40mg PO/TID @8 am 3. Inj. Neomol Ig/IV/SOS if temp.>101 F 4

OPD Case 1

CHIEF COMPLAINT: A 40 yr old male presented with the chief complaint of right hip pain since 6-7 weeks ( since March ) HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: H/o heavy exertion and weight bearing 2-3 weeks prior onset ( early Feb ) Severe gastritis and UTI around onset ( March ). Not associated with fevers, chills or redness. Distinct click is felt when pain is severe, slightly affecting ADLs (while walking only) Tender point 2 inches distally down from ASIS. It is palpable on right hip margin on left bending. Gastric correlation to level of pain till few weeks back. Relieving factors: Hip extension exercises, warm shower, ice, Volini. Weight gain of 6 kgs. No postural discomfort  No fever No constipation No bulge or cough associated pulses around groin No tingling or radiation PROGRESS OF ILLNESS: (from oldest to latest) Pain in hip margin, piriformis and gluteus. Mild sciatic involvement (Mild pins effect running down  the thigh. Pressing along nerve helps thigh pain) Anterior thigh ting